how to order.
we make it easy to order next generation food allergy testing for your patients.
how we make the magic happen
Allergenis food allergy tests must be ordered by a licensed physician. In order to begin testing at your center, we ask that you first submit your contact information in the below form. This will initiate your account creation process in which you can place, manage, and view orders. After account set up, you will receive additional information including resources to ensure you are comfortable reviewing and discussing results with your patients. You always have access to our clinical team for additional questions.
Ordering is not currently available internationally or in the state of New York.
Are you a patient or parent looking to order our testing?
send order to our lab
collect patient blood (in office or mobile phlebotomy)
send in the sample (prepaid envelope or mobile phlebotomy sends)
review results with patient
we are in the business of empowering individuals and their healthcare providers to make safe and informed decisions about their allergies.

get started
Complete our account set up form and our customer support will reach out to you on next steps to order the Allergenis Peanut Diagnostic (or also know as the bead-based epitope assay BBEA).
“The company’s new technology gives me confidence as an allergist that I’m able to offer a lab test that is highly predictive to the results I would see with an actual oral food challenge. I can see the AllerGenis test preventing failed challenges during which patients would have likely experienced an allergic reaction. I expect there will be a lot less anxiety and distress for caregivers, parents and their children as a result.”
Dr. David Fitzhugh, board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine and adult & pediatric immunology/allergy
specimen options
During account set up, please specify which blood draw option you prefer.
you draw
We provide the kits with everything needed for the draw. The specimen requires centrifugation so please ensure you have this capability. The full specimen draw instructions can be downladed here.
mobile phlebotomy
We coordinate with your patient the most convienient location for their blood draw, at no cost to them. We hire pediatric trained phlebotomists for blood draws from children and can do blood draws nationwide. Our phlebotomists follow guidelines to ensure safety during the COVID pandemic.
need a little more information?